Happy Robert’s Day

I love when people take the time to show me they care. Whether it be with  a phone call, text message, visit, gesture or a present, I love feeling loved. And who doesn’t? We all crave that desire or need of being appreciated or thought of.

I’ve been thinking for quite a while, of a way to show my fiance how much I love and appreciate him. I knew that a holiday was coming up so I decided to surprise him and call the day Robert’s Day. What is one way to a man’s heart? Through his stomach! What I did was plan a day of activities around the three meals of the day and included a thoughtful gift for each as well.


Rob had been talking about trying crepes for about a month now, so thinking of a breakfast idea was a cinch.

{Crepe Ingredients: flour, milk, sugar, salt, eggs, butter. Pretty easy to prepare and make.}

{I made some strawberry sauce and got whipped cream to accompany our crepes}

{Dressing the crepes. They were very yummy}

Before eating, Rob opened his first present. A friend introduced me to a song called, “My Favourite Part” by Matthew West. In a nut shell, it tells about your love being the favourite part of life. For his present, I made a photo collage. I got a three piece picture frame and in each photo I added the words, My, Favourite & Part and played the song for him as he opened it. Rob loved his gift and said that it was very thoughtful and sweet.

 {I only got a shot of him opening the present. In all the excitement I forgot to take an after photo of the frame and pictures.}


For lunch, I prepared a picnic basket with some of his favourite goodies. I also packed a book for him to pass the time.

{I made his fav sandwiches: Ham & Cheese. Packed one of his fav juices: Capri-Sun. And some of his fav snacks: Cheesy Pringles and Double Stuffed Oreos}

{His lunch time present was a card I made. In it I wrote reasons why I’m excited to be his wife. He was delighted! I can’t take credit for this card design however. I found it on Pinterest.}

{While at the gardens, we spotted a very unusual looking tree. Its trunk and branches looked painted but when we went closer, realized that it was naturally that pretty}

{Rob enjoying his book. See how the tree looks painted?}


{Rob & the dinner present. I placed the activity in the box}

{I planned a Dinner & Movie Night for his last activity}

{I decided to do cinema food for our Movie Night. Going all out on the theme. I got ingredients for mini pizzas, nachos & chese, popcorn and smore pops were our snacks and coca-cola as our beverage. What I did to each of the ingredients in the box was personalized them with corny, love puns, as seen above – hehe. Rob thought that it was adorable and creative and love the idea}

{Our mini pizzas before they went into the oven}

{Ready for our Dinner & Movie date}

{Almost forgot to mention the movie: The Notebook. Rob hadn’t seen it before and being a romantic, I thought it was quite fitting to end a sweet day spent with my love}

At the end of the movie, Rob thanked me for the day. He said it was one of his most favourite days of all. And that’s exactly what I had planned for it to be.