April Photo Challenge 2013: Day Nine

Day 9


Day Nine: Emotions

{“I never met a chocolate I didn’t like.”- Deanna Troi.
It has been said that chocolate can change your ickiest mood. Here’s a photo of some lovelies I made yesterday. Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cheesecake Bars. Everyone who had a piece seemed to be in heaven… So I’m guessing the chocolate theory is right! Ha}

April Photo Challenge 2013: Day Three

Day 3


Day Three: Health

{I’ve got health on my mind a lot these days and decided to share about it from my hair’s pov. Since cutting my hair and growing it back natural, I’ve been talking to a couple friends who have done the same and discussed the different ways and benefits of keeping our hair healthy. Here are a couple things that I’m currently using on my hair, plus some of my favourite accessories}